
Fylde Property

Lytham St Annes


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3 Bedroom modern townhouse set on 3 floors with a front facing terrace balcony and rear garage £995

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2 Bedroom ground floor modern apartment on Lyham Rd Blackpool. £750PCM

Call for an updated Energy Performance Certificate.

Energy Performance Certificates (EPC's) are used to tell the occupier how energy efficient the property they live in is.  EPC's are graded from Grade A (very efficient) to Grade G (very ineffcient), they are a legal requirement to have on a property wether it being sold or rented, the minimum grade for renting a property is Grade E.  


The EPC also offers recommendations with improvements which can be made and their impact on the overall energy efficiency of the property, these can be simple improvements like low energy lightbulbs to new windows or heating systems - some of these can be included within Green Deal Schemes which offer vouchers towards the cost of some improvements.


Currently EPC's are valid for 10 years from issue - although you can have another completed if you carry out some work on the property which in turn will make it more efficient - therefore achieving a higher grade.


If you need any further information or need an EPC on your property please get in touch and we will be happy to assist. 





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